27 Things Payton Is Doing In 2023
I plan to…
Commit to daily journaling
Focus on friendship
Prioritize therapy
Put myself out there creatively
Remember what I’ve learned and stay open to what I haven’t
Do more things that make me genuinely happy
Focus on my physical health
Create more opportunities for adventure
Have more fun in the present moment
Stick with my book club
Form new family traditions
Watch movies and tv shows, old ones I love and new ones I’m interested in
Learn a new skill, like how to use Adobe Premiere Pro
Experiment with fun fashion looks
Continue to go for long walks
Stay true to myself and my values
Cook during the week
Keep dreaming big and imagining a beautiful future
Try new restaurants around LA
Go to more concerts
Join a gym
Enjoy meaningful downtime
Develop a soothing nighttime routine
Write often and share it with people
Become an LA sports fan — pick a team!
Be kind to myself about the challenges of growing up
Continue to build PS We Have No Plan